The name has sometimes been derived fromThe name has sometimes been derived from
Anglo-Saxon, the latter part of the word hloew, hlaw, signifying a memorial heap, barrow, small hill, or tract of ground gently rising. It enters into the composition of a large number of English local names, in this County we find Creslow
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Methodism and CultureMethodism and Culture
Methodism was responsive to its setting and often willing to challenge custom, but it was also an innovative force in many lands
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A critical analysis of Intellectual Property Rights within Sport, focusing upon the role of Copyright in Football
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Cars and behaviour: psychological barriers to car restraint and sustainable urban transport René Diekstra* and Martin KroonCars and behaviour: psychological barriers to car restraint and sustainable urban transport René Diekstra* and Martin Kroon
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Sophocles died after play was drafted (explains his noninvolvement in Poetry Contest)
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The Talented Tenth W. E. B. DuBois, September 1903The Talented Tenth W. E. B. DuBois, September 1903
Higher Education which must underlie true life. On this foundation we may build bread winning, skill of hand and quickness of brain, with never a fear lest the child and man mistake the means of living for the object of life
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Навчальний посібник для практичних занять та самостійної роботи студентів Полтава 2009Навчальний посібник для практичних занять та самостійної роботи студентів Полтава 2009
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Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas and in Asia. In the 1600s and 1700s, the British then checked Dutch commercial and colonial ambitions and went on to defeat France in the Seven Years War (1756–1763)
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The new orleans creole cottageThe new orleans creole cottage
Note: Kindly, do not quote from, copy, or distribute this study until it is published. This is a preliminary draft not in its final form. If you have questions, please contact the author
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Curriculum vitae david HochfelderCurriculum vitae david Hochfelder
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